Two hafizes from Bulgaria ranked among the winners of a Balkan competition in Sarajevo

From November 2 to 4 this year the Third Balkan Competition for Memorization fo the Holy Qur’antook place in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo. The program of the three-day event was opened on Friday.

Bulgaria was one of the Balkan countries which were presented at the competition for Qur’an memorizers. There were also representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia and Ukraine.

Among all 43 competitors there were also 4 students from the training course for hafizes in the mining town of Madan – Abdurrahman Ushev, Myumyun Ahmed, Mehdi Musakev and Ibrahim Kambach. They were accompanied by their teacher Bayram Ushev – also hafiz and a teacher in the training school for hafizes in the town of Madan.

The group of the Bulgarian participants/ Photo: Training course for hafizes - Madan

The auditions of the competitors took place on Saturday and Sunday in front of a specially set-up for the occasion commission, members in which were the hafizes Dževad-ef. Šošić, Abdusselam El-Medžidi and Nabil Ganoži.

One of the most exciting moments of the competition - the announcement of the winners in each of the categories, took place at an official ceremony on Sunday evening. This year there were awards for the first five ranked in each of the six categories.

Myumyun Ahmed (front row, the second one from left to right)/ Photo: Preporod

For a great happiness and pride of their parents, teachers and the entire Muslim community in Bulgaria among the finalists of the competition this year ranked also two from the boys from our country. Myumyun Ahmed, who is a student in Religious School “Nyuvvab” in the city of Shumen, was ranked at second place in the category for memorization of juz (part) “Amma” from the Holy Qur’an. And Ibrahim Kambach from the village of Breznitsa, who competed in the most serious category – for memorization of the entire Qur’an, ranked at fourth place in his category.

Hafiz Ibrahim Kambach during his performance/ Photo: Preporod 

According to the information from the organizers the prize funds of this year’s competition for hafizes is estimated at 67 000 BAM. The finalists from each of the categories received respectively certificates and cash prizes and the other participants were given plaques of gratitude and consolation prizes.

Before leaving/Photo: Preporod -Islamske informativne novini 

During the awarding ceremony on Sunday evening all winners and participants in the competition were greeted on behalf of representatives of the institutions which organized the competition this year. Greeting address to the winners was also delivered by the Grand Mufti of the Islamic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr. Husein Kavazović, under whose auspices the Balkan competition for hafizes was held for another one year.

Dr. Husein Kavazović / Photo: Preporod – Islamske informativne novini

The Third Balkan Competition for Memorization of the Holy Qur’an was officially closed with a dua (supplication), after which all participants gathered for a common photo and performed together the night prayer.

Photo: Preporod – Islamske informativne novini 


 Author: L. Chausheva



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