Visit to the “Yeşilay” organization in Istanbul

The Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) Vedat S. Ahmed visited the “Yeşilay” organization in Istanbul and met with the Secretary General Osman Dursun. The meeting which was held on November 2 was a protocol one and it was to get to know each other. It took place at the headquarters of the organization, located in the historical building “Sepetçiler Kasrı” at the coast of Bosporus. SMC Chairman was accompanied by the Chairman of the Muslim Board of Trustees – Plovdiv Ahmed Pehlivan, who is also a representative of “Yeşilay” in Bulgaria.

During the presentation of the activity of “Yeşilay” the Secretary of the organization Dursun said that the main objectives of the organization are to fight addictions and harmful habits – drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling and technologies. He also said that “Yeşilay” is one of the first public organizations in the Republic of Turkey because it was found in 1925 and since then is issued the magazine which has the same name like the organization. He also added that the organization has representations in more than 40 countries in which they work with similar organizations, regardless of their faith, language, ethnicity, etc. Recently the organization opened its representation also in Bulgaria.

The SMC Chairman Ahmed thanked the host for the nice welcome and highlighted that with the Muslim Denomination they have several common points such as the fight against harmful habits. Furthermore he said that they are ready to cooperate in this area and that they will be glad to host specialists in the field of the addictions, with whom to organize various information meetings, workshops and forums.



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