Regional Mufti’s Office – Ruse held a one-day workshop with the teachers in the summer Qur’an courses at the local mufti’s office on July 24 (Wednesday), 2020. Official guests of the working meeting were the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) Vedat Ahmed and the Director of the Religious School “Mirza Seid pasha” Tundzhay Sherif.
The workshop was opened with recitation of Qur’an-i Kerim from the guest-imam from the Republic of Turkey in the city of Ruse Turudu Yaldaram. The Regional Mufti of Ruse Yudzhel Hyusnyu welcomed the teachers and presented the agenda of the workshop. During the meeting were discussed issues related to the importance and the difficulty of the summer Qur’an courses, the techniques and methods for their better and fruitful implementation.
The director of RS-Ruse Tundzhay Sherif addressed the imams by calling upon them to assist the management of the school in recruiting students for 2020/2021 school year. He gave some explanations about the educational process in the school by focusing on the privileges which the educational institution gives.
The local coordinator of the summer Qur’an courses Nedzhmetin Nevinov delivered a brief lecture on their organization in the region and informed the teachers about the measures that must be taken into consideration due to the epidemic situation in the country. All imams shared their opinion and ideas for the more successful implementation of the summer Qur’an courses as well as about the various ways that could motivate the participation of the children in the Qur’an courses.
The SMC Chairman Vedat Ahmed presented to the participants in the workshop the topic “Teaching methods in the summer Qur’an courses in 2020”. He also had the honor to close the program of the one-day workshop in the city of Ruse by making dua (supplication) and wished successful carrying out of the summer Qur’an courses in the region.