More than 80 students participated in religious-educational workshops, organized by Grand mufti’s Office during the winter holiday


Grand Mufti’s Office held four religious-educational workshops for students during the winter holiday of the school year 2019/2020. They were organized at four different places in the country and took place at the end of December 2019. Two of the winter workshops were for boys – in Sliven and Rudozem. The workshops for girls were held in the base of RS – Momchilgrad and in the base of Grand Mufti’s Office in the village of Gorsko Slivovo (Municipality of Letnitsa, Lovech region). Nearly 85 students from the entire country participated in the four workshops.

“The workshops for students aimed to provide knowledge about the basics of the Islamic religion and included thematic knowledge in the fields of Fiqh, Aqidah, Sirah and Qur’an-i Kerim”. – said for from the management of “Irshad” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office.

Every year December is one of the active periods for carrying out various religious and educational courses and workshops from Grand Mufti’s Office. Besides the workshops for students in this period at several places in the country were held also religious courses and trainings for women, for imams and for teachers from the year-round Qur’an courses at the regional mufti’s offices in our country.

Author: L. Chausheva


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