Commemorative qurban in Madan on the 30th anniversary of winning the religious freedom and the reclaim of the Turkish-Muslim names

More than 3000 Muslims from the country and abroad gathered at a commemorative qurban on December 29 (Sunday), 2019, organized by the Muslim community in the Municipality of Madan. The occasion of the event was to celebrate 30th anniversary of winning the freedom of religions and the reclaim of the Turkish-Muslim names.

The qurban was attended by a number of official guests. Among them were the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, the regional muftis of Smolyan, Pazardzhik and Stara Zagora – respectively Nedzhmi Dabov, Abdullah Salih and Turhan Hasan, as well as the deputy muftis of Zlatograd and Devin Bayram Ushev and Izet Dzhalev. There were also the Head of the Department of Education at Grand Mufti’s Office Amir Feleti, MPs from the region and municipal mayors.

The commemorative program, held in the central mosque of the town of Madan, included the screening of the short documentary, presenting the fight for religious freedom and the reclaim of the mother names of the local Muslims 30 years ago.

Greeting addresses were also delivered by the local imam and the Regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov. The Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi also delivered address to the participants and a vaaz (preach) in connection with the events before the beginning of democracy and winning the freedom of religion.

The program ended with a general dua (supplication) made by the spiritual leader of the Muslims in Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi.

As an expression of gratitude to the Almighty the local Muslim community prepared qurban with which they treated the thousands of guests who attended the event.


Author: L. Chausheva


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