Candidate-imams successfully graduated from the training centers for imams in Ustina and Shumen 

With an official ceremony in Shumen on December 21 (Saturday) this year was marked the graduation of 27 graduates in total from the Training School in the village of Ustina (Plovdiv region) and the Training course for imams “Mustafa Chatlak” in the city of Shumen. Host of the joint official program on the graduation of class 2019 of the two training centers for imams was Regional Mufti’s Office – Shumen.

Official guests of the ceremony were the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, the deputy grand muftis Ahmed Hasanov, Birali Myumyun and Murat Pingov. The event was also attended by the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed, the Social Affairs Attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in our country Mehmet Genç, imams from Regional Mufti’s Office – Shumen, as well as employees of the Muslim Denomination from the entire country.

Greeting addresses to the graduating imams and to all guests were delivered by the host of the event and a Regional Mufti of Shumen Mesut Mehmed, the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi and the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed.

“Currently there are 240 mosques in Bulgaria which are closed due to the lack of qualified personnel. I do believe that from today we will start working with the graduates on occupying these vacancies for imams.” – said in his address to the participants Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi. – “No matter how much a person studies, no matter how many diplomas s/he receives, s/he must not stop improving himself throughout his life. If a person stops developing himself this means that s/he became old” – with these words the spiritual leader of the Muslims in our country encouraged the graduated in Ustina and Shumen imams not to stop their self-development even after their successful graduation.

The official program was varied with recitation of Qur’an-i Kerim, performances of religious songs (ilyahi). The celebration was closed with dua (supplication) for health, prosperity and welfare, made by Mehmet Genç from the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Author: L. Chausheva



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