Dr. Arif Abdullah participated in an international conference in Vienna

A conference on “Religion and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”, organized by the Vienna International Dialogue Center (KAICID) was held in the Austrian capital within the period of December 10-12, 2019.

Our country was represented at the international event by Dr. Arif Abdullah, a lecturer at the Higher Islamic Institute (HII) and Chairman of the Research Center at it.

“The main purpose of the forum was to outline the role of religion in achieving the global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The goals are set by the UN and are related to the international development of humanity in the period 2016-2030” – commented for Grandmufti.bg Dr. Arif Abdullah.

193 countries in total around the world cooperate in the UN strategic plan to achieve the 17 goals, that aim to change human life in three main fields: economic, social and environmental. The strategic plan fights against poverty, unhealthy lifestyle, disturbance of the ecological balance, lack of quality education, inequality and injustice, aggression and conflicts, and others.

During the international conference in Vienna Dr. Arif Abdullah participated with a project which is related to goal 16 for sustainable development – peace and justice. The project of the Bulgarian representative outlined the contribution of religion to building a peaceful and just society. The broad moral, ethical and life principles, valid at any time and any place; the principle of direct contact, experience and observation in our relationships instead of prejudices and misconceptions, distorting the truth; principle of diversity as a source of inspiration and mutual constructive benefiting, and not as threat and confrontation – these were just some of the aspects, which Dr. Abdullah considered. He also drew attention to the principle of justice and love, which reflects the Divine reality on earth, because Allah combines in Himself justice and love at the same time.

“Such principles are found in the Qur’anic wisdom, instructing mutual knowledge and understanding, which will lead to mutual inter-religious empathy, cooperation, racing in doing good deeds and to grow in awareness of mutual protection of freedom against injustice.” – the Chairman of the Research Center at HII Dr. Arif Abdullah further said in connection with his international participation.

“The global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have to receive in a highest extent the attention of the religious figures, because in the basis of the religious teachings lay similar goals for the transformation of the world in a better place to live. Especially in the Islamic religion this project scientifically began to develop as early as ninth century under the name “Mekasidu's-sharia” – “Main goals of Islam”. Subsequently key goals such as preservation of spirituality, health and life, intellect and education, family, property and many others were drawn.” – further added Dr. Abdullah.

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