Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia closed “Orphans’ Week” 2019 with a one-day program for women and children


Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia officially completed its initiatives on the occasion of this year’s national campaign “Orphans’ Week” with a one-day program for women and children. It took place on December 1 (Sunday) and included a lecture for women, children’s program in connection with “Orphans’ Week” with the participation of the children from the year-round Qur’an courses in Sofia and a charity bazaar in support of the cause for the orphaned children. In the event participated nearly 40 women and more than 30 children from Sofia.

Guest-speaker in the one-day event was Fatime Salyah, vaiz (preacher) at Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv. She presented the topic “Orphans – Entrusted to the Believers” which became an occasion for thought and provoked emotions in the audience.

The children from the year-round Qur’an course at the mufti’s office in the capital with a teacher Fatme Hatip presented their rich and variegated program to all guests, which was thematically related to the orphans and the place of this vulnerable social group according to the Islamic religion. The program of the children included recitation of poems, of verses from the Holy Qur’an and narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as well as theater plays and religious songs (ilyahi).

The one-day program ended with a small charity bazaar where for the orphaned children was raised the amount of 1022.00 BGN.

The funds raised during “Orphans’ Week” in the entire country are entirely spent on the children without parents. Usually the largest contribution to “Orphans” Fund of Grand Mufti’s Office during the year is exactly from the national campaign “Orphans’ Week”, which this autumn was held within the period from November 25 to December 1.

“Despite the achieved great results during our different initiatives to support the orphans in the campaign this year, our call is not to forget the children without parents also in the rest part of the year. We can help for the cause and to make our donations at any time.” – Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia called at the end of their campaign for year 2019.


Author: L. Chausheva



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