Regional Mufti’s Office – Ruse held a charity bazaar in support of orphaned children


Regional Mufti’s Office – Ruse held a charity bazaar in support of the national charity campaign “Orphans’ Week” 2019 on November 22, 2019. The noble initiative took place in the yard of the mosque “Mirza Seid Pasha” in the Danube riparian city.

Main organizers of the charity initiative were Barhie Ahmedova – vaiz (preacher) at Regional Mufti’s Office – ruse, and Ibazer Ibazerov – imam of the central mosque in the city.

The event was the first of its kind in Regional Mufti’s Office – Ruse for which the Regional Mufti expressed his great gratitude to the organizers and the women who contributed to this voluntary act of charity.

During the charity bazaar were offered various handmade works including souvenirs, handmade knitwear, as well as culinary treats.

From the offered things at the bazaar were interested both the Muslim congregation in Ruse, the Muslims from the city and the surroundings, as well as the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi himself, who had a visit to the city. The Regional Mufti Yudzhel Hyusnyu, the Director of the Religious School in the city of Ruse Tundzhay Sherif and many other people also supported the initiative. The raised funds will be donated for “Orphans” Fund at Grand Mufti’s Office in order to support orphaned children.

“May the Almighty grant health, prosperity and long life to the contributors to this noble deed”. – said from the management of Regional Mufti’s Office – Ruse in connection with the held charity bazaar.



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