Regional Mufti’s office – Montana hosted a celebration on the occasion of Mawlid Kandili in Vidin

The sacred birth of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was marked with the festive celebration in the mosque of Vidin “Osman Pazvantoglu” on November 10 (Sunday), 2019.
During the religious festive program, the Regional Mufti and host of the event Nedzhati Ali told the attendees about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and for the difficulties which he faced in his life – from his birth to his death.
“All guests listened with a great interest. Some were very excited, others enriched their religious knowledge.” – commented for from Regional Mufti’s Office – Montana.
The program included also recitation of Qur’an-i-Kerim and Mawlid and officially ended with a dua (supplication).
The Regional Mufti of Montana Nedzhati Ali took the occasion to called upon all participants for more frequent gatherings and meetings.
“In these short winter days we can meet more often, even every week. We can do handiwork, we can talk with each other and to share with each other. This is an opportunity to enrich ourselves spiritually and to strengthen our faith in Allah, the Most Glorified, the Most High.” – said the Regional Mufti of Montana in his address to the guests.
Author: L. Chausheva