Committee on Publishing Activities held in Ognyanovo its consecutive working meeting

The Committee on Publishing Activities at the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) held its consecutive working meeting which was hosted by Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad on October 12 (Saturday), 2019 in the village of Ognyanovo.
“The one-day working meeting was attended by all members of the Committee on Publishing Activities as well as the translators and the editors of the collections of ahadith (sayings or acts of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh) “Kutub-us-sittah” (the six main books containing collections of ahadith).” Said for the Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad and host of the meeting Aydan Mohamed.
The publication of the six main collections of ahadith (of Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Tirmidhi, Imam Nasa’i, Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah) is one of the priority publishing projects of the publishing department at Grand Mufti’s Office. Within the working meeting in the village of Ognyanovo the participants discussed this and other current projects, as well as important issues related to the work of the Publishing Department as a whole.
Author: L. Chausheva