4-day sunnet according to an old custom took place in the village of Lazhnitsa, Blagoevgrad region

In accordance with the oldest preserved traditions and customs the Muslims in the village of Lazhnitsa (Municipality of Gotse Delchev, Blagoevgrad District) held the traditional sunnet (circumcision) which lasted four days in total – from October 10 till October 13, 2019. The unique of their kind celebrations brought in the village nearly 4000 guests from the region and from all over Bulgaria.
Among the official guests of the festive celebrations in Lazhnitsa were the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in our country Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) Vedat Ahmed, the regional muftis of Pazardzhik and Pleven Abdullah Salih and Murad Boshnak, as well as the host and a Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad Aydan Mohamed, imams and others.
In his official speech the Grand Mufti addressed the Muslims urging them to preserve the Muslim identity, no matter where we live – in the country or abroad. Dr. Hadzhi also called for making efforts for preservation and keeping the good Muslim traditions and customs bequeathed by our ancestors. He greeted also the all more than 60 children who were circumcised within the organized massive sunnet.
“This traditional sunnet is the “business card” of the Muslims in Blagoevgrad District, because it is unique of its kind and it is not celebrated in this way nowhere else.” – said for Grandmufti.bg the Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad Aydan Mohamed.
He said that according to the custom during the first day of the celebrations the local population bring woods and visits with gifts the so called “dyun seybiya” – the person who financially assisted the organization of the sunnet.
On the second day the hosts from the village go by riding horses to invite at the celebration the people from the neighboring villages where they are met again with gifts.
The third day of the celebrations is to prepare for welcoming the guests as well as preparations for the festive meals.
The culmination is on the last fourth day of the celebrations when the traditional “alay” (a tour with pronunciation of takbir in connection with the sunnet ceremony) takes place, as well as the popular oil wrestling (pehlivan) and kushiya (horse race).
The organizers of the 4-day sunnet in Lazhnitsa this yearhad also prepared prizes for the winners in each of the traditional competitions which took place at the stadium in the village. There was also made a dua (supplication) for all young Muslims who participated in the sunnet.
“We hold the traditional for the region of Nevrokop massive sunnet at least once a year, sometimes twice – usually in the spring and the autumn, in different settlements.” – further added the Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad Aydan Mohamed.
Host of the spring traditional sunnet of Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad which took place in April this year was the village of Dolno Dryanovo, Municipality of Garmen
Author: L. Chausheva