Imams from Plovdiv region discussed a number of important issues during their regular monthly meeting 

Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv held its regular monthly meeting with the imams from the region on September 25 (Wednesday). The agenda of the working meeting included an analysis of the held this year summer Qur’an courses in connection with which the coordinator of the Qur’an courses in Plovdiv region Ekrem Hodzhev presented to his colleagues a detailed report.

There was discussed the idea for holding meetings with the imams in the different regions, the focus of which to be sharing ideas and problems related to the Muslim religious communities in the relevant settlements.

During the regular September meeting the imams commented on their participation in the upcoming initiative “Week of Imams and Mosques” 2019, which is announced from Grand Mufti’s Office for the period October 21-27.

The host of the working meeting Taner Veli, a Regional Mufti of Plovdiv, called upon his colleagues imams to prepare a schedule for holding regular weekly winter religious lectures (vaaz) for the autumn-winter period. The participants in the meeting discussed the idea for cooperation between the imams of the different settlements, as well as exchange of guest-lecturers when needed.

The agenda of the September working meeting in Plovdiv was completed with the discussion of the topic about possibilities and ways to recruit candidates for the religious schools in the country as well as for the Higher Islamic Institute in the city of Sofia.


Author: L. Chausheva


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