For inter-faith peace and understanding appealed performers from the music scene during the Festival of Religions in Sofia

“Don’t we all want freedom,

The one who wants – believes, this is the value.

Everyone has the right to live in this world,

Isn’t it Islam, isn’t it the essence?” 

Music ensemble “Nadezhda” – town of Rudozem


With a message for peace, sent from the music scene in the Largo of Sofia the children from the music ensemble “Nadezhda” – town of Rudozem with an artistic director Nihat Ademov opened the fourth edition of the Festival of Religions. The inter-faith event took place on September 19 (Thursday) 2019 under the motto “We live together in understanding, respect and cooperation.” It was organized for another year at the initiative of Sofia Municipality, Sofia Holy Metropolitinate and the National Council of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria (NCRCB)

The celebration of the Festival of Religions this year included a solemn concert with the participation of representatives of the official religious communities and an opportunity for a tour round the four religious temples located in the so called “quadrangle of tolerance” in the center of the capital.

“We show through music that we are living in harmony. With the rich program we show the different faces of our faiths, of the main religions.” – said the Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of Sofia Municipality Assoc. Prof. Todor Chobanov during the opening of the Festival of Religions. Welcoming addresses to all guests delivered also Father Angelov from the Sofia Holy Metropolitinate, as well as the NCRCB Chairman and Deputy Grand Mufti of Bulgaria Birali Myumyun Birali.

Performers, such as Etien Levi, Haygashot Agasyan, Neli Andreeva – a soloist at ensemble “Filip Kutev”, the folk singer Antonio Simeonov, and many other performers and musicians, as well as music and dance ensembles from the different religious communities appeared on the stage.

Through the art of music and dance they all united on the understanding for peaceful and tolerant inter-faith co-existence, praying to the One and Only God for everyone…

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“How long shall we wander in darkness?

Let reason leads hearts,

Hear me, My Lord, hear me,

Give me a sign and bring back love on earth.”

Haygashot Agasyan


Author: L. Chausheva



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