Representatives of 33 summer Qur’an courses from Aytos region gathered at a regional competition in the village of Razboyna

The village of Razboyna, Ruen region, was the host this year of the Regional Competition in Basic Knowledge in Islam, organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Aytos. It took place on August 26 (Monday) this year in the mosque of the village.

Each of the summer Qur’an courses in the region was represented by one participant and all participants were divided into two levels according to their stage. In level 1 competed 24 children while in level 2 there were 9.

The program was opened with recitation of a part of the Holy Qur’an by the representative of the summer Qur’an course in the village of Dabnik Sinan Nihat Mehmed. After that, due to the absence of the Regional Mufti of Aytos Selyatin Muharem, the guests were welcomed by the representatives of the mufti’s office in Aytos – Hyusein Salim – expert at “Irshad” Department and the vaiz (preacher) Sunay Ramadan.

The children were informed in details about the regulation of the competition for religious knowledge. According to the national format it included three rounds in total in which the theoretical and practical knowledge of the children about the Islamic religion are checked, and also their skills in reciting parts of the Holy Qur’an.

The program of the competition included also a cultural and religious part in which participated ten children who were also students from the summer Qur’an courses in the region.

The difficult task to select the most knowledgeable among all participants was given to the jury, members of which were Hyusein Salim – expert at “Irshad” Department at Regional Mufti’s Office – Aytos, Sunay Ramadan – vaiz (preacher) for the region and Tayfun Mehmed – interim imam in the village of Lyulyakovo.

The team of the jury ranked at first place Aysel Halil Hamdi from the summer Qur’an course in the village of Peshtersko, who competed in level 1. Winner among the participants in level 2 was Osman Alierdzhan Mehmed from the summer Qur’an course in the village of Prosenik.

The finalists at the first places received certificates and rewards on behalf of the Regional Mufti of Aytos Selyatin Muharem.

The competition ended with wishes for success, health and barakah (blessing) for all participants, made by the organizational team of the regional competition.

For all nearly 170 participants and guests of the competition in Razboyna was also prepared a lunch, provided by Regional Mufti’s Office – Aytos.

Author: L. Chausheva



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