28 children from the summer Qur’an courses in Tarnovo region participated in a Regional Competition in Basic Knowledge in Islam 

Regional Mufti’s Office – Veliko Tarnovo held a Regional Competition in Basic Knowledge in Islam on August 27 (Tuesday) this year. It took place in the mosque of the town and 28 children in total from 12 summer Qur’an courses, held in the region during the months of July and August, participated in it.

The program was opened with recitation of the Qur’an by the guest-imam at the mosque in Sevlievo Nuri Aksom. The host of the event Syuleyman Masurev welcomed all participants, teachers and guests and especially thanked the imams and the teachers in the summer Qur’an courses in the region for their dedication and diligence in the work with the young and adolescents Muslims.

The format of the regional competition included three rounds in total in the framework of which the students from the summer Qur’an courses had to demonstrate their theoretical and practical knowledge in Islam. The difficult task to evaluate and to select the best ones among the participants had the jury in the following composition: Syuleyman Masurev – Regional Mufti of Veliko Tarnovo, Efraim Shabanov imam of the town of Kilifarevo and the newly appointed imam of the mosque in Tarnovo – Aksel Masurev.

After the jury finished its work the results of the competition were announced. At first place were ranked the children from the Qur’an course in the town of Veliko Tarnovo, at second place – students from Svishtov, and the third place was for students from the Qur’an course in the town of Kilifarevo. The host Syuleyman Masurev presented certificates to the winners. They, as well as all participants received also gifts, to incent their participation in the tight competition for knowledge.

After the program all guests shared a light lunch, provided by Regional Mufti’s Office – Veliko Tarnovo.


Author: L. Chausheva





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