The coordinators of the summer Qur’an courses in Southern Bulgaria gathered at a workshop in Ustina

One-day workshop with the coordinators of the summer Qur’an courses at the regional mufti’s offices on the territory of Southern Bulgaria was held on June 19 (Wednesday) this year. It took place at the Training school for imams in the village of Ustina, Plovdiv region, and was attended by 11 coordinators in total.

The workshop was held in two panels. Speaker during the first panel was Bahri Izet – expert at “Irshad” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office and chief coordinator of the summer Qur’an courses for the entire country.

“We addressed all topics related to the motivation of the teachers in the courses as well as to the improvement of the quality of the religious education as well as increasing the number of the summer Qur’an courses in the country.” – said for Bahri Izet.

During the second panel of the workshop the participants had the opportunity to discuss their plans for carrying out this year’s summer Qur’an courses. Each of the coordinators shared his vision and what is foreseen about the organization of the courses this summer.

The workshop was closed with wishes for successful and fruitful work during the upcoming summer Qur’an courses in Bulgaria.


Author: L. Chausheva



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