Expert from “Irshad” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office visited Regional Mufti’s Office – Targovishte

At the invitation of Regional Mufti’s Office – Targovishte the expert from “Irshad” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office Bahri Izet visited the mufti’s office in the town and the local Muslim community on June 21 (Friday) this year.

The official guest from Sofia delivered a lecture (vaaz) and also the sermon (khutbah) during the Friday prayer in the mosque of the town of Targovishte. As a chief coordinator of summer Qur’an courses for Bulgaria Izet officially presented and provided information to the local Muslims about this longstanding project of the Muslim Denomination.

“Some details regarding the implementation of the summer Qur’an courses during the past year, 2018, as well as the achieved results were presented. The congregation in Targovishte was informed about the summer Qur’an courses for children that are beginning throughout the country” – said the Secretary of the Regional Mufti’s Office –Targovishte Raif Efraimov in connection with the visit of Bahri Izet to Targovishte.

The guest from Grand Mufti’s Office urged the local Muslims to take an active part in the summer Qur’an courses, sending their children to be trained there.


Author: L. Chausheva


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