The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Bulgaria hosted a traditional Ramadan iftar-dinner 



For another consecutive year the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Bulgaria hosted the already traditional Ramadan iftar-dinner. The official dinner took place on May 10, this year at the residence of the Turkish Ambassador Dr. Hasan Ulusoy in the capital.

Honorable guests of the Ramadan iftar were the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi and the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed. There also participated the Deputy Grand Muftis Ahmed Hasanov, Murat Pingov and Birali Myumyun, the Secretary General Dzhelal Faik, regional muftis as well as other officials of the Muslim Denomination.

“Among the invited at the yearlly iftar-dinner, given by the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Bulgaria during the Sacred for the Muslims month of Ramadan, were also prominent public figures, intellectuals and cultural activists – representatives of the Turkish community in Bulgaria.” – said for the Secretary of the Muslim Denomination Dzhelal Faik.


Author: L. Chausheva




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