UAE Embassy hosted an official iftar-dinner on the occasion of the Year of Tolerance


On May 13, (Monday), 2019 the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) gave a Ramadan iftar-dinner on the occasion of the announced Year of Tolerance 2019. Invitation for the official iftar-dinner was sent to the Grand Mufti’s Office, the National council of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria (NCRCB) and the embassies of the Muslim countries in Bulgaria.

The official Ramadan dinner was attended by the Grand Mufti of the Muslims in Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, the NCRCB Chairman and a Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun Birali and a number of diplomats of Islamic countries and embassies in Bulgaria.

“The UAE Embassy has the honor to welcome you at this official iftar-dinner of the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan which brought together in Bulgaria and under one roof friends from various religions in the name of tolerance.” – with these words the host and Ambassador First of UAE in Bulgaria Abdulwahab an-Najjar welcomed all guests and explained that the UAE has announced 2019 as the Year of Tolerance. – “With this all residents and guests of the Emirates are called upon to follow the values of tolerance, because it is a fundamental principle for building sound societies and stable countries and leads to happiness of the people as well as to strengthening of the cultures.” – further added Ambassador al-Najjar.


Author: L. Chauhseva


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