Ramadan program of the year-round Qur’an courses in Sofia 

On the eve of the month of Ramadan, May 5, this year, the children from the three year-round Qur’an courses in the capital, led by the vaiz (preacher) Fatme Hatip, presented a special program in the central mosque of Sofia “Kadi Seyfullah Efendi”. It was dedicated to the beginning of the month of the Qur’an. 28 children took part in the event where they admired and brought tears to the eyes of the attendees with the perfectly presented program.

Official guests of the event were the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed, the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, the Regional Mufti of Sofia Mustafa Izbishtali, Mehmet Genç – representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Bulgaria, as well as heads of departments of Grand mufti’s Office. Fortunately for the children among the participants was also their former teacher Fatima Tsineva.

The mufti’s office in the capital expresses heartfelt gratitude to vaiz Fatme Hatip, to the children, to their parents and all attendees of this memorable event.

“We ask the Almighty Allah to accept the efforts of the teachers in the Qur’an courses, to reward the parents who encourage their children to participate in these courses, and for the children themselves – to be among His closest servants, who have earned His satisfaction both in this world and in the Hereafter!’ – with this dua (supplication) Regional Mufti’s Office expressed its pleasure with the performed pre-Ramadan program and officially thanked all participants in it.



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