Teachers and students from RS „Nyuvvab“– Shumen paid tribute to the eminent theologian Emrullah Efendi

After thier consecutive practice on the subject „Hitabet (rhetoric) and religious rhetoric“ on March 29, 2019 in the village of Kliment, Municipality of Kaolinovo, Shumen region teachers and students from RS „Nyuvvab“-Shumen paid tribute to the eminent in the past theologian Emrullah Efendi.

They visited the kabir (tomb) of the Islamic cleric, who was born on April 15, 1878 in the village of Pristoe (Municipality of Kaolinovo, Shumen region) – a small but beautiful village in the Ludogorie. After completing his primary education in his home village Emrullah Efendi continued his education in „Satarla Madrasa“ in the town of Silistra.  Then he graduated „Theology“ at the University of Istanbul. When he returned to Bulgaria he settled in the city of Shumen where he began working in the religious field along the path of Allah.

Initially he was a director of the school „Madrasa-i Aliye“ in Shumen. When „Madrasat-tun-Nyuvvab“ was established Emrullah Efendi moved there and became the first director of the school. Since the establishment of RS „Nyuvvab“ in 1922 till his death in 1941 Emrullah Efendi had devoted  nearly 19 years of his life to the spiritual growth of hundreds of Muslim and Turkish religious cadres, teachers, writers, poets and public figures.

Author: Yonuz Yonuz – student at Religious school „Nyuvvab“, city of Shumen.



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