The Night of Mi‘raj



Traditionally this night Muslims gather in the mosques and read Qur‘an or Mawlid, make dhikr (mention Allah), etc. These are good deeds and we ask the Almighty Allah to accept them. However it is more important to try to go back in the time when Muhammad (pbuh) was brought over from Makkah to Jerusalem, and from there he was elevated to the heavens and met the Creator of the universe, the Lord of the Lords, The Only One Who does not depend on anything and anyone.

Muhammad (pbuh) had made all efforts to reach to people or more precisely to reach to their hearts and explain them an obvious truth, namely that Allah is the Only Who deserves to be worshiped. All people will go back to Him one day and will give account for their deeds.  People, and in particular the pagans, not only did not wanted to listen to him, but they did everything possible so that this message would not reach the people. Muhammad (pbuh), returning from Taif, where he was casted out by stones, was seeking solace, analyzing hid deeds and life, when the Almighty Allah “invited” him to Himself. As if Allah was saying him “Come Muhammad to see for yourself that you are not abandoned. Come to see My Mercy and Power.”

Nowadays Muslims experience the difficulties of their time. Nowadays almost everywhere throughout the world people are persecuted just because they are Muslims, like it was during the time of Muhammad (pbuh). Yes, our troubles cannot be compared to those of the Prophet (pbuh), but we are not messengers but ordinary people. That is why we experience the oppressiveness of the attempt to live as Muslims, like the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) experienced this difficulty.

Today there is not elevation but the Almighty Allah gave a gift to the prophet (pbuh), he gave him the five-time prayer to be the elevation of everyone who wants to meet Allah or to share with Him his concerns.

This is what Muslims have to do during his night or more precisely we always have to trust Allah, but let us try this night to give an account about our deeds. Let us learn from the lesson of Muhammad (pbuh) who despite of all the difficulties did not surrender, he did not give up, he did not lose heart.

He also did not resort to violence, neither to curse, but he trusted only and solely to Allah and believed that he would succeed. All the mankind is witness to his success, but he had to walk the way of the difficulties, the way of calling to Allah ad the way of truth.

May Allah keep us firm along the way of the Prophet (pbuh) and to give us strength to overcome the difficulties of our time!



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