31 Muslim pilgrims successfully performed Umrah with the organization of Grand Mufti’s Office


Umra is expiation for the sins committed (between it and the previous one). And the reward of Hajj Mabrur (the one accepted by Allah) is nothing except Paradise.

The prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


31 Muslim pilgrims from Bulgaria successfully performed the pilgrimage of Umrah to the Holy places and returned to our country.

The group from Bulgaria that went to the pilgrimage of Umrah from Bulgaria had two-week stay in the Holy places – 9 days in Mecca and 5 days in Medina. Our compatriots performed everything from the requirements for this worship also named “the small Hajj”, and in addition they had the opportunity to visit a number of historical and religious sites, as well as natural and other landmarks at the outskirts of the cities of Mecca and Medina.

During the 14-day pilgrimage the group from Bulgaria was accompanied by Dzhemal Isa - Head of “Hajj” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office and by the Regional Mufti of Kardzhali Beyhan Mehmed.

“The group of pilgrims went to the Holy Places in the middle of February, 2019. The pilgrimage of Umrah was performed easily and without any difficulties and problems.” – said for Grandmufti.bg the Head of “Hajj” Department Dzhemal Isa.

He also shared that during the present year, 2019, a second pilgrimage with Grand Mufti’s Office is going to be organized, and it is foreseen that it will take place during the upcoming month of Ramadan.


Author: L. Chausheva 

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