Expert from “Irshad” Department visited year-round Qur’an courses in the country 



With the children from the Qur’an course in the village of Dobromir (Municipality of Ruen)


Since the beginning of 2019 the expert from Irshad Department Bahri Izet, who is directly in charge of the conduction of the summer and year-round Qur’an courses in the country, visited a number of settlements where year-round Qur’an courses take place. Among them were the Qur’an courses in Aytos and the village of Dobromir, the three year-round courses in Haskovo, in Plovdiv, as well as the courses in Blagoevgrad region – in the villages of Debren, Ribnovo, Gorno Kraishte, Belitsa and Chereshovo.

During the visit to the year-round Qur’an course in the village of Debren (Municipality of Garmen)


“The aim of the visits to the year-round Qur’an courses in the country which “Irshad” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office carries out, is to see the level of the courses and of the trained in them students.  Our idea is to follow their development over time.” – shared for the expert from “Irshad” Department Bahri Izet.  He told that his last visits were to the courses in Blagoevrgad region. The children from the year-round Qur’an course in Gorno Kraishte sent him with a modest gift from the heart – CD with a video of the hatim-program of the course from the last year, 2018.

Children from the Qur’an course in Gorno Kraishte (Municipality of Belitsa) present the gift to the expert Bahri Izet


Currently on the territory of our country there are 21 running year-round Qur’an courses in total at different regional mufti’s offices. The children who are trained there are between 7 and 14 years old. Some of the courses have already been running for years, other have started during the recent one or two years, but according to the information of “Irshad” Department the project for carrying out year-round Qur’an courses in our country officially started in 2016.

During the visit to the Qur’an course in the town of Belitsa 

The children from the year-round Qur’an course in the village of Ribnovo (Municipality of Garmen) 

The children from the Qur’an course in the village of Chereshovo (Municipality of Belitsa) 


Author: L. Chausheva 

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