Greeting Address on behalf of the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi on the Night of Regaib




Dear Muslims,

Dreams are a feature which the Almighty Allah bestowed on the man, who is a vicegerent of his Creator in this transient world. There is no other being but the man that is able to dream and to pursue his dreams – this is something given only and solely to the man.

Often one cannot do anything but to dream and to wait support from the Almighty, but exactly this is the turning point from which the changes the and implementation of the dreams of those who have lost hope in everything and in everyone beside the related to the Almighty Allah. In other words – if dreams are related with Allah and those who dream trust in Him then they are fulfilled.

The Night of Regaib is an opportunity to fulfill the dreams as well as to revise our relationship with the Almighty Allah – are we dreaming of a true happiness or we are devoted only to carnal desires seeking more provisional pleasures and falling into a greater desperation  .

Here is the chance to get straight if we have mistaken and to be more active in the good deeds which will illuminate our souls and hearts and will show us the way to happiness. 

You Muslims, who are called to be an example for the humanity – your power is in your attachment to Allah and His Word. And the result of this attachment is manifestation of love to every person and to every being, created by the Almighty, and it is a proof for His Majesty and Glory. The one who attaches to Allah does not need other guardian and he also does not need to seek happiness elsewhere but in the Almighty Allah. The one who is devoted to Allah does not hide hate in his heart and does not revenge if someone harm him. Revenge and hate are typical for the weak and the misguided, and those who trust in Allah are strong because they trust only the Almighty.

May Allah accept your dua (supplication) and ibadah (worship) and to grant you and your families with happiness and success in all good endeavors and May He protect you from misguidance and corruption.

Oh, my Lord, do not deprive us from Your guardiancy and from the right way, which you have given to the righteous ones!  Ameen, ya, Erhamerrahemeen!


Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi,

Grand Mufti of Bulgaria



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