Greeting Address on behalf of the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi on the beginning of the three blessed months



Dear Muslim brothers and sisters,

There are no words to express our gratitude to the Almighty Allah Who once again gives us the opportunity to experience the happiness during the three sacred months.

Rajab is a month, the harbinger of Ramadan, and Sha’ban is the time for the preparation for Ramadan. That is why Muslims welcome the beginning of these months with the hope to reach the month of Ramadan, to enjoy the blessings of this period of the year and to be happy with the grace of the Almighty Allah.

Dear believers, Islam is the most precious gift from the Almighty Allah but at the same time it is our duty to make efforts to live according to the principles of our religion and to make our best in order to transmit these principles also to the people around us, especially to the younger generation.  Only in this way we can say that we are true believers and followers of Muhammad (pbuh) – the beloved one of the Almighty Allah.

No one is perfect, including the Muslims, but the season of the three months begins and we have the unique opportunity to turn to the Almighty Allah and to ask forgiveness and guidance, and we also have the opportunity to compensate what we have missed and to correct our mistakes.

It’s been almost a year since we parted with the blessed months, but our quest to the Almighty Allah did not stop, just the opposite – now we meet again the season of the blessing and grace of Allah in order to confirm to Him that we will continue on this way, that we will be more-compassionate to the destitute, more generous to the needy and more affectionate to all creations of the Almighty. This is the path that leads to happiness in this world and in the Hereafter and this is the best time for a new start on this path.

I ask Allah to bestow on all the people the dignity of faith and happiness.


Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi

Grand Mufti of the Muslims in Bulgaria

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