A goodwill meeting


During his visit to the town of Vidin on February 21 (Thursday), 2019 the Deputy Grand Mufti and Chairman of the National Council of the Religious Communities sin Bulgaria (NCRCB) Birali Myumyun Birali had a goodwill visit to the Bishopric of Vidin. The representative of the Muslim Denomination was welcomed by the Metropolitan of Vidin Daniil.

“During the meeting we discussed the amendments to the new Law on the Religious Denominations as well as the positives and challenges to the religious communities in our country which could result from these amendments.” – said for Grandmufti.bg the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali. He also shared that during his visit to the Bishopric of Vidin he presented the work of the chaired by him NCRCB, as well as the participation with honorary membership in it of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

It is a fact that the meetings and the positive synergies between the Muslim Denomination and the Bishopric of Vidin are not something new. For years the local Regional Mufti’s Office of Montana, the headquarters of which is in Vidin, and the Bishopric of Vidin maintain relationships in the spirit of mutual understanding and tolerance. Even the buildings of the mosque with a library “Osman Pazvantoglu” and that of the Bishopric of Vidin are located at the same street in the town.

Vidin has always been an example of tolerance and good neighborhood between the Muslim and the Christian communities in Bulgaria. And with its diversity today it continues to show that we can live in peace, understanding and mutual help, regardless of the religious differences between us.


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