Meeting with imams and Muslim Boards of Trustees in Ruse


On February 5, 2019 at Religious School – Ruse took place a working meeting with imams and Muslim Boards of Trustees on the territory of the local regional mufti’s office.

Special guests of the event were the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed, the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov, the Secretary General of Grand Mufti’s Office Dzhelalal Faik, the Head of the Administrative Department Beyhan Mehmed and the Director of Religious School – Ruse Tundzhay Sherif.

The meeting was opened with recitation of Qur’an-i Kerim by Alper Ahmedov, teacher at Religious School – Ruse, and then the imam of the city Ibazer Ibazerov made tafsir (exegesis) of one verse of the Qur’an and one hadith (narration) to the participants.

As a host the Regional Mufti of Ruse Yudzhel Hyusnyu officially welcomed all participants and presented to their attention a report on the activities of Regional Mufti’s Office – Ruse for the past year, 2018.

The official guests also took an active part in the working meeting. The Secretary General Dzhelal Faik explained some important for the Muslim Denomination and for the Muslim community in Bulgaria moments related to the amendments to the Law on the Religious Denominations.

Within the working meeting there was addressed the issue about the importance and the role of the imam and the difficulties that the Muslim religious official meets. In connection with this the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov stressed that it is important “to focus on our identity”.

“Trust is what connects us, holds us up and strengthens us. The lack of trust between people degrades the community. In order to trust the others, first we have to trust ourselves” – said in his address to all participants the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed.

Among the discussed during the working meeting issues was also that for recruitment of students for the Religious School “Mirza Said Pasha” in the city of Ruse. The Director Tundzhay Sherif turned to the imams with the appeal to assist in searching students, and said that after application students with 7th grade can also be admitted.

After completing the agenda the working meeting in the city of Ruse was officially closed with a dua (supplication) for health and prosperity, made by the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov. For all participants and guests after the end of the working meeting the hosts from Regional Mufti’ Office – Ruse had also organized and provided a treat.

Within the same day the official guests from Grand Mufti’s Office had the opportunity to visit some settlements in the region of Ruse and to hold meetings with the local Muslims. On the evening of February 5 the Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat Ahmed and the Regional Mufti of Ruse Yudzhel Hyusnyu held a meeting with the Muslims from the village of Glodzhevo. The Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov, the Secretary General Dzhelal Faik and Beyhan Mehmed from the Administrative Department met with representatives of the Muslim community in the town of Vetovo. Before parting the local Muslims thanked the delegates from Grand Mufti’s Office in the capital for their visit and invited them for future visits and meetings.


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