Third Working Meeting of the Eurasian Fatwa Council

The Eurasian Fatwa Council, which was established in 2016, held its third working meeting in Istanbul on December 21-22, 2018. The Muslim Denomination in the Republic of Bulgaria is one of the founders of the Council and has been a member of it since its establishment.

Every year the Council organizes at least one working meeting where issues related to giving religious opinions – fatawa on current issues are discussed. The Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat S. Ahmed who is among the regular participants in the meetings also attended the forum. The working meeting was attended by representatives of more than 20 countries from the Eurasian region.

The Forum was opened by reading verses from the Qur’an-i Kerim by the main imam of the magnificent mosque of Istanbul “Süleymaniye” Ekrem Nalbant. During the protocol part speeches were delivered by the Chairman of the Eurasian Fatwa Council Prof. Ahmed Yaman and the President of the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Diyanet of Turkey Prof. Ali Erbaş who focused on the necessity to coordinate and share experience in the field of the activities related to fatwa. The President of Diyanet Prof. Ali Erbaş also participated in the meeting and welcomed the guests. In his speech he paid attention to the balanced approach in understanding and applying the Islamic religion, avoiding extremes, which are proclaimed by different extreme organizations such as DAESH, FETO, BOKO HARAM, and others. He also highlighted the necessity of a global and proper understanding and applying of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Muhammad (pbuh).

During the held meeting there were discussed problems related to the methodology of giving fatwa in modern times, the relation between giving fatawa and the legislation in the relevant countries. Furthermore there were discussed also given fatawa related to problems of a financial nature, which occurred due to the contemporary financial activities.

The working meeting ended with adoption of a final document, in which is paid attention to the difficult situation in some Muslim countries, the necessity of a greater concern about justice, uniting efforts for resolving problems related to the religious enlightenment including more adequate and comprehensive approach in giving fatawa, etc.  



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