Charity bazaar to support “Orphans’ Week” was held in the capital

A charity bazaar took place in front of the central mosque of Sofia “Kadi Seyfullah Efendi” on November 30, 2018 (Friday). The event was organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia in the framework of “Orphans’ Week” campaign, which is organized for another year by Grand Mufti’s Office in the Republic of Bulgaria.

In the initiative actively participated the students form the High Islamic Institute, the people who visited the mosque for the Friday prayer, residents of Sofia and passing tourists. The raised amount of money in the held this year bazaar is 1735.00 BGN.

“The campaign “Orphans’ Week” every year is growing in popularity, support and positive emotions among the society. Today we have been  repeatedly supported and praised also by non-Muslims for this good deed. This shows that the charity campaign “Orphans’ Week” is an occasion for self-awareness of the people about the most-sensitive part of the society – orphans, hoping that this will continue during the entire year. Because we are responsible for them” – said Emine Sechkina, a volunteer in the event.  

The Regional Mufti of Sofia Mutafa Izbishtali noted that “while the members of the society mutuality support each other there still has a great possibility the good to save the world”.

Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia expresses sincere gratitude to all who took part directly or indirectly in the implementation of this noble deed. May the Almighty Allah be pleased with all of you!


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