The Night of Mawlid was celebrated in Krumovgrad

A celebration on the occasion of the sacred night of Mawlid was organized in the central mosque in Krumovgrad. The celebration took place before the Friday prayer on November 16.

The event was organized by the managements of the two Muslim Boards of Trustees in the town and with the assistance of the local Muslim community. Official guests were the Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed and his deputy Erhan Redzheb.

As a host of the event the acting Mufti of Krumovgrad Nasuf Halil delivered his welcoming speech at the beginning of the program.

Before the Friday prayer Erhan Redzheb delivered a lecture on the birth and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And the Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed read the Friday khutbah (sermon). In connection with the night of Mawlid all the people who were at the mosque and the marketreceived Turkish bagels and religious literature.



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