Students from the three religious schools in Bulgaria took part in a one-week scientific workshop in Turkey 

 Photo of part of the group from Bulgaria with the physics teacherduring the scientific workshop “Scientific adventurers”

“Scientific adventurers” is the one-week scientific workshop which has been held already for a third consecutive year in Istanbul.

This year’s edition of the international scientific event was held within the period October 1-6, and was hosted by the Kartal quarter in Istanbul. 19 students in total from the three religious schools in Bulgaria – in Ruse, Shumen and Momchilgrad, took part in the workshop “Scientific adventurers”. The Religious School “Nyuvvab” – Shumen was represented by 6 students in total accompanied by the teacher PhD Religious Sciences Osman Ibrahimov. From the Religious School “Mirza Said Pasha” – Ruse participated three students in the workshop and from the Religious School in Momchilgrad – 10 students, accompanied by one teacher.

In connection with the held in Turkey workshop and the participation of the group of students from Bulgaria we received the letter from one of the participants – Yonuz Erol Yonuz – student from Religious School “Nyuvvab” – Shumen. In it he shares different moments and impressions of the experienced… 

“The first day of the workshop went on getting to know each other and tours at the religious school in Kartal quarter in Istanbul. The second and the third day went into demonstrations and experiments on chemistry, physics, biology and others. The last three days of the scientific workshop (i.e. Thursday, Friday and Saturday) we attended a scientific fair in the City Garden in the Maltepe quarter, park “Orhan Gazi”, which had opened its door to the public” – the student from Shumen shares in his letter to the website.  

Part of the Bulgarian group with the chemistry teachers

In his letter Yonuz describes with excitement how on Wednesday evening with his classmates they carried everything necessary to the City Garden where was expected to be held the different scientific experiments and demonstrations. “There were 43 stands in total in the Garden – workshops in biology, chemistry, physics, archeology, painting, architecture, geography, mathematics, smart games, robotics, and movies. There were also actors in the roles of Einstein, Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci and others” – added the young boy to the description of his impressions of the experienced in Turkey. 

The participants from Bulgaria had the opportunity to choose in advance which of the workshops to join so that they had prepared for participation in the relevant scientific field.

At the bus station, returning to Bulgaria

“On behalf of the group of students from RS “Nyuvvab” – Shumen I would like to thank the management of the school, the Director and the Teachers Council – RS “Nyuvvab”. We would also like to express special gratitude to the Department of Education at Grand Mufti’s Office and we especially thank for the opportunity which was given to us for one-day tour around Istanbul within our one-week program in Turkey. We express our gratitude also to the Management of Religious School “Kartal” in Turkey for the hospitality and the organized events. We expect them to visit Bulgaria soon and this time we will be their hosts!” – further shares Yonuz Yonuz in his letter to

The student from RS “Nyuvvab” – Shumen ends the letter with a call to all his peers by adding: “Read, study, but along with his check what you have really learnt and whether you apply the lessons learnt in your life. After that transfer the newly acquired knowledge to others – let us in this way be happier in a world of studiousness. Let us not forget that the first verse from our Holy Book is “Read!”. But this reading requires also implementation of what has been read and learnt in our Earthly life to be of our benefit on the Akhirah (The Hereafter).”

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