Expression of gratitude to Regional Mufti’s Office – Haskovo 



But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] - He will compensate it "

 (Holy Qur’an, Chapter Saba:39)

Regional Mufti’s Office - Haskovo received letters of gratitude from the Home for elderly people “Kenana” in the town of Haskovo and from “Club for invalids with physical disabilities” as an expression of gratitude for the support provided to them. 

The letter of gratitude on behalf of the Home for elderly people “Kenana” is on behalf of the Director Plamen Kuzmanov. He expresses his gratitude to the Regional Mufti’s Office – Haskovo and the Regional Mufti Basri Eminefendi in connection with the made during the last September donation of meat on the occasion of Eid al Adha for the needs of the users of the social services in the home.

In the letter sent to the Regional Mufti’s Office of Haskovo from the “Club of the invalids with physical disabilities” – Haskovo the Chairperson of the association Milka Kostova expresses her gratitude for a donation on behalf of the mufti’s office with the words: “We accept this act of donation on behalf of you as indisputable proof of your charity, social engagement and manifestation of activity, initiative, humanism and real human goodness to the people with disabilities.”

The Muslim Denomination in Bulgaria has always been working actively in the field of the social projects to support people in need. And instead of conclusion we would only recall one verse from the Holy Qur’an in which the Almighty Allah says:

And whatever good you [believers] spend is for yourselves, and you do not spend except seeking the countenance of Allah. And whatever you spend of good - it will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.

 (Holy Qur’an, Chapter Baqarah: 272)




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