Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali held October meeting with imams from the region

A working meeting with imams from the region and with teaches form the summer Qur’an courses was held on October 8, 2018 in the central mosque of the town of Kardzhali. Besides the host Beyhan Mehmed the meeting was also attended by the Deputy Regional Mufti Nasuf Halil.

The meeting was opened with recitation of verses from the Qur’an by the imam of the mosque in the village of Benkovski Erdinch Syuleyman. The meeting with the imams was chaired by the Regional Mufti of Kardzhai Beyhan Mehmed, who welcomed all participants and introduced them to the agenda. During the meeting topics related to the results of the past campaign in support of the Islamic education were discussed. A report on the summer Qur’an courses held during this year was also made.

The Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed gave information also for the past campaign for distribution of qurban meat “Let’s share our qurban”, which was held just prior and during the feast of Eid al-Adha. In the agenda of the meeting were also included topics related to the upcoming campaigns “Mosques’ Week” and “Orphans’ Week”. The imams received also information about the annual prize “Hodzhazade Mehmed Muhiydin Efendi” awarded by the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) for contribution to the development of Islam and the life of the Muslims in Bulgaria. According to the Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed the imams are expected to make proposals for awarding the prize.

At the end of the meeting the topic about the project of Grand Mufti’s Office “Year of the Young Family” was also addressed, through which young families will be married during a common wedding according to the Islamic norms and traditions. Chairman of this commission is exactly the Regional Mufti Beyhan Mehmed who in connection with this activity printed and gave the imams specially prepared certificates for religious marriage – nikaah which will be used in their future work.

The imams who attended the October working meeting received as a gift also the new book “Basics of Faith - İman esasları”, publication of Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali.

The meeting ended with a dua (supplication) for health, peace and welfare, made by the imam of Kardzhali Erdinch Hayrula.


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