Financial support from the Municipality of Dobrich for repair and replacement of the desecrated gravestones in the Muslim cemetery in the town

On a proposal of the Mayor of the Municipality of Dobrich Yordan Yordanov during a meeting of the local Municipal Council it was decided to support financially the people, whose Muslim relatives’ graves were affectedafter a vandal act in the cemetery of the town of Dobrich in the beginning of September this year.

According to the decision of the Municipal Council – Dobrich the total amount up to 2500 BGN will be granted for this purpose. The funds will be allocated from the Contingency Reserve of the Municipality of Dobrich. The financial aid which will be allocated to the relatives of the deceased Muslims, whose graves were desecrated, will be two kinds. The Municipality will grant up to 40 BGN for a light repair (in case that the gravestone is not broken), and in the cases where entire repair of the gravestone is required, up to 200 BGN will be granted.

In order to receive the financial aid the person entitled has to submit an application and to present invoice for the provided service, also became known from the officially published decision of the Municipal Council – Dobrich.

Mayor of the Municipality of Dobrich Yordan Yordanov

We would like to recall that the vandal act towards the Muslim cemetery in the town of Dobrich was committed then by an unidentified person during the night of 6-7 of September this year. As a result of the ugly act nearly 40 graves of deceased Muslims were affected. With regard to this Grand mufti’s Office of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria issued official declaration to the media in which strongly condemned the committed crime.

An immediate examination and pre-trial proceedingsfor the case were initiated. Several days after the crime the identity of the perpetrator of the vandal act in Dobrich was established – it was said that he is a person with mental illness.


Author: L. Chausheva



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