Hatim of the children from the year-round Qur’an course in Asenovgrad
Nearly 15 children from the year-round Qur’an course in the central mosque of the town of Asenovgrad with a teacher Osman Eyub celebrated with a program the completion of their reading of the Holy Qur’an.
The celebration which took place on July 7 this year (Saturday) was attended by hundreds of guests from Asenovgrad and the entire Plovdiv region. Among the official guests, attending the program, were the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasnov, the regional muftis of Plovdiv and Kardzhali – Taner Veli and Beyhan Mehmed, the lecturer from the High Islamic Institute in Sofia Aydan Yumerov and others.
The festive program included greeting addresses and congratulations to the children, their parents and all guests, delivered by the official guests. The young Muslims from Asenovgrad read parts from the Qur’an, accompanied by translation of the recited passages. The program also included a demonstration of the acquired basic knowledge in Islam within the training in the year-round Qur’an course – in the form of questions on behalf of imam Osman Eyub and answers from his young students.
At the end of the program the children from the year-round Qur’an course of Asenovgrad received gift packages from the official guests – representatives of the Muslim Denomination in Bulgaria.
The celebration on the occasion of the hatim of the young Muslims from Asenovgrad on July 7 ended with a festive meal – qurban for all guests.