First dialogue meeting between the three religious schools in Bulgaria


The idea the students form the three religious schools in Bulgaria to meet together and to participate in a common discussion on a certain topic or current problem has long been discussed.

Well, this is already a fact and with the permission of Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, the long awaited meeting took place on June 26, 2018 in RS “Nyuvvab” – Shumen. The organization of the meeting was done with the assistance of the managements of the religious schools.

On this occasion the students from the three religious schools met together at the conference table, or in other words – at the “crisis table”, and commented on issues related to the youth in Bulgaria and to their personal development. The official topic of the meeting was “Contribution of the students from the religious schools to the motivation for the personal development of youth”. Moderator of the discussion was the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali.

The meeting was the first of its kind and it puts the beginning of series of dialogue meetings between the three religious schools in Bulgaria. The discussion which took place in Shumen, remained with an open end, because our wish is to continue it the next year in RS “Momchilgrad” and to further develop in this way in favor of the Muslims throughout the world.

I remember very well the words of the Deputy Grand Mufti related to the personal development. And exactly that “Every person is a man, but not every man is a person”. Which was a reason for a lot of thought. And if we think about it we will see that it is so because the person possesses qualities which are not acquired – such as the different sciences and so on. This sentence is an occasion to think about also the reality. Because not everything is so as we think and not everything happens in the way we have planned it to be. Everything is prescribed much earlier. By the Almighty Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, we have only the choice – Irshad (the right/the right path) or just the opposite.

I would like to end with the words: “Be yourselves and do not be influenced by people who are pulling you down” or as the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali said during the first of its kind dialogue meeting between the three religious schools – “Be with the people who motivate you, i.e. who make you happy”. 

Author: Yonuz Yonuz, student from RS “Nyuvvab” – Shumen





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