Meeting of the Grand Mufti and Cardinal Walter Kasper


The Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi met with Cardinal Walter Kasper, Honorary President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity on June 26 this year. The Cardinal was accompanied by the Apostolic Nuncio of Vatican in Sofia His Excellency Monsignor Anselmo Guido Pecorari.

Cardinal Kasper recalled about the Declaration of the Pontifical Council on Friendship and Cooperation with Islam and that the dialogue, the respect to the different ones is of a great importance for the preservation of the world peace. The Cardinal expressed concern about the new situation in the world and especially in Europe where the youth has astray from religion, and racism, hatred to the different ones and drugs become enhanced.

“Secularization leaves emptiness in the souls of the people. They try to fill this emptiness with material things, alcohol, drugs, etc. But after all they realize that the spiritual emptiness cannot be filled with this… Religions have to be open to the youth and to speak in an understandable for them language”, said Cardinal Kasper.

The Grand Mufti added in his turn that everyone has to be respected, regardless of his religion, race, language or culture and recalled about the verse from the Holy Qur’an related to this that God has created man in the best design. He is His representative on Earth. He created him as He likes. That is why man deserves respect for His Creator. The Grand Mufti expressed his satisfaction with the fact that they have same approach and vision about the challenges to the society and the preservation of the peace.

The two parties expressed satisfaction with the held meeting and the traditionally good relations between the Muslim Denomination in Bulgaria and the Catholic Church, as well as with the Embassy of Vatican in Bulgaria. 



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