Regional Mufti’s Office – Razgrad held a June meeting with the imams from the region


A working meeting with the imams from the municipalities of Razgrad, Tsar Kaloyan, Samuil and Loznitsa took place on June 26, 2018 from10:00 o’clock in the “Ahmed Bey” mosque in the town.

The June meeting was opened with reading of “Ashr-i sherif” by Elman Elimanov – imam of the central mosque in the village of Dyankovo, after which the Regional Mufti of Razgrad Mehmed Alya welcomed everyone and thanked them for responding to the invitation.

The Regional Mufti of Razgrad addressed several topics within the meeting, and the floor was given to each of the imams. They were expected to report on their work during the month of Ramadan – organization of evening preaches, performing Tarawih prayer, reading of Mukabbele, Eid prayer, also report on the held campaign for raising funds to support Fund “Islamic Education”.

Within the meeting was also discussed the preparation for carrying out the summer Qur’an courses, and in connection with this the coordinator of the summer Qur’an courses at the Regional Mufti’s Office Hamdi Nezir gave the necessary instructions received from Grand Mufti’s Office. All imams and heads of summer Qur’an courses received the relevant teaching aids.

All imams expressed their readiness to be fully committed to the hizmet (service) during the summer Qur’an courses this year.

The meetings with the imams continue also in the other municipalities from the region – Kubrat and Isperih.

The meeting ended with a dua (supplication) for grace.

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