Representatives of various ethnicities and religions met at a common Ramadan dinner in Plovdiv

A festive iftar dinner outdoor took place in the city under the hills on June 6 this year (Wednesday). It was organized by the Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv and was held with the financial assistance of the local Turkish Consulate General.

The iftar took place at the square in front of “Dzhumaya mosque” and was attended by a number of official guests. Among them were the Deputy Grand Mufti Murat Pingov, the Director of the Training school for imams in the village of Ustina Selim Mehmed, regional muftis from the country, representatives of Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Plovdiv, as well as representatives of the local authorities in the city under the hills. The iftar dinner brought together at one table Muslims and official representatives of the Jewish and Christian communities in the city. 

The hundreds of the guests who came were welcomed by the host – the Regional Mufti of Plovdiv Taner Veli, who focused on that the event once again presents Plovdiv as “a city of tolerance”. After the addresses also on behalf of the official guests of the event all participants – people of different ethnicities, religions and culture, side by side shared the festive iftar dinner in the Ramadan night.



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