Address of the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi on the occasion of Laylat al-Qadr

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters,

The last days and nights of the month of Ramadan are a great opportunity to improve our relationship with Allah, The Most High, because during these days and nights His mercy and grace are most manifested.

One of these nights is Laylat al-Qadr, about which Allah, The Most High, says that it is better than a thousand months. According to some narrations during this night Allah, The Most High, determines the livelihood, the grace and the fate of the people for the next year. If for example you have a sick relative, who isundergoing a surgery, you will be waiting in front of the door of the surgeryroom, or in other words you will be waiting impatiently in front of the surgeon's door; if you have a scheduled courtcase or your relative is being under courtproceedings, you will be waiting in front of the courtroom, etc. In the light of this, shouldn't we have to wait in front of the door of Allah, till He His Own determines our fate and the fate of everyone who we love? Shouldn’t we have to ask The One, Who will certainly hear us and help us? If we ask the judges or the doctors, they may not show favour and help us, and they may simply be unable to help us. There are many cases when doctors say: “We did our best but the rest is in the Hands of Allah”. 

During Laylat al-Qadr Allah does not say: “I leave your fate to one’s hands”. He says: “Ask me and I will give you; repent and I will forgive you; turn to Me and you will have everything you want…” That is why during the last nights of the month of Ramadan Muslims prefer worshipping rather than sleeping, making dua (supplication) rather than relax and mentioning the Name of Allah rather than the comfort. This undoubtedly is the choice of the winners and the successfulpeople and they will never be disappointed.


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