Deputy Grand Mufti was elected as a NCRCB Chairman


A general meeting of the National Council of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria (NCRCB)was held on May 31, in the Catholic Exarchatein Sofia.

The Chairman of the National Council Dr. Rupen Krikorian delivered a report in which he presented the work of the NCRCB for the past period.

Among the topics on the agenda there were the work of the National Council for the past period, performed projects, opening of a regional branch in Varna, as in the future it is expected to open a branch in Plovdiv, Ruse and other settlements in Bulgaria. Another topic was amendments of the present Statute in order to improve the operational work of the National Council.

During the general meeting a new Managing Board and new Chairman with a term of two years were elected.

The Muslim Denomination was represented at the General Meeting by the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali and the two delegates – Dzhemal Avushin and Hayri Emin.

After approving the new managing body the representative of the Catholic community Father Petko Valkov proposed to elect as a Chairman of the National Council the representative of the Muslim community – the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali. The Delegates elected by a majority Birali Birali as a Chairman of the NCRCB.

The term which he will have is two years according to the new amendments of the Statute. When it expires the chairmanship alternately will be forwarded to the next religious denomination, which has not occupied this position so far.

The new chairman thanked for trusting him and shared that the main directions which he will follow are the present concept of the National Council “Together in our diversity”.

“This world is temporary and if we do not give the society everything we can, this means that we have not fulfilled our duty”, said the NCRCB Chairman Birali Birali.

Author: Yuzlem Tefikova  



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