Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia organized a workshop for women

Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia organized a workshop for women on May 13 on the occasion of the upcoming month of Ramadan. It was attended by women both from Sofia and from the surrounding settlements.

“For several years we have been organizing such workshop before the beginning of the month of Ramadan in which we comment on issues related to fasting and the worshipping during entire month of Ramadan” said at the opening of the workshop the Regional Mufti of Sofia Mustafa Izbishtali.

Lecturers in the workshop were Muhammed Kamber – SMC member and imam in the village of Lazhnitsa, and Emine Sechkina – lecturer at HII.

In his lecture “Тhe Qur’an, revealed during the month of Ramadan, but not only for it” Muhammed Kamber spoke about the wisdom of the revelation of the Qur’an, about the life of the Muslim and the good things which the Creator of the Worlds bestowed on him,and said that: “The greatest grace which we can enjoy is that Allah has guided us and give us the opportunity to be among the Muslims, to be from the Ummah (the community) of Muhammad (pbuh). There is no doubt that we are on the eve of one sacred month, expecting a long-awaited guest which is Ramadan. And this great worshiping – the fasting is a pillar of the Islam, filled with forgiveness, mercy, barakah (blessing)…” 

Emine Sechkina spoke on the topic: “Ramadan in the family”, where she focused on how to spend in the best way the time during Ramadan together with the family.


During the workshop the women also organized a small charity bazaar where 150 leva were raised and will be spent on the charity activities of the Regional Mufti’s Office.



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