Regional Mufti’s Office – Targovishte held its first for year 2018 meetign with imams


The first meeting with the imams from the region of Targovishte took place on April 23 this year in the mosque “Saat Dzhami” in Targovishte. The meeting was convened by the interim Regional Mufti of Targovishte Nazif Rasimov.

Within the working meeting were discussed a number of issues related to the activities of the imams from Regional Mufti’s Office – Targovishte, and the focus of the discussions was on the preparation for the summer Qur’an courses for children, as well as the preparation for the upcoming month of Ramadan.

We would like to recall that in the middle of March 2017 Nazif Rasimov was assigned automatically as an interim Regional Mufti of Targovishte. Just few days later was also officially established Regional Muslim Council (RMC) for the region, which is chaired by Rasimov as well.




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