Regular meeting with imams from Regional Mufti’s Office – Veliko Tarnovo was held in Svishtov


The regular monthly meeting for April of the imams from the region of Veliko Tarnovo was held on April 11, 2018 in the mosque of the town of Svishtov. The imams form the region were welcomed by the hosts Syuleyman Murtaza – imam of the mosque in the town of Svishtov, and Gencho Konov – chairman of the local Muslim Board of Trustees.

The agenda of the meeting included a number of questions among which were those about the preparation for meeting the month of Ramadan, holding a workshop for the teachers of the summer Qur’an courses in the region of Veliko Tarnovo. At the working meeting was also discussed the organization and carrying out a traditional circumcision (sunnet), which was scheduled for May this year. With regard to the upcoming 27th night of the month of Rajab – the night of Mir’aj the imams decided to hold festive programs on the occasion in two settlements in the region – the mosque of Veliko Tarnovo and the mosque of the village of Petko Slaveykovo (Municipality of Sevlievo). In both the settlements the celebrations on the Night of Mir’aj will take place on April 13 (Friday) after the evening prayer (Magrib prayer), and will include reading of Qur’an-i Kerim, mawlid and others.

The meeting in the town of Svishtov ended with a lunch for the participants, after which the imams had the opportunity to continue their discussions and talks in a friendly, informal atmosphere.

Author: L. Chausheva



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