Some wonderful religious talks in some wonderful Deliorman villages


Wonderful religious talks, the so called sohbets, are held every week on Friday evenings at the initiative of Regional Mufti’s Office – Shumen. This is one good initiative which is current in our modern times.

On the one hand it is an opportunity for the Regional Mufti to see closer the status of the mosques in the region as well as to meet the imams and to learn about their problems, difficulties and needs.

This is commendable, because… how many are the leaders who visit such places? And as a whole this is becoming an increasingly rare phenomenon. Furthermore even more important are the religious talks which are being held. Often they are attended by more people than on those who come for the Friday (Jumu'ah) prayer.

During the winter season religious talks took place in about ten villages, which also continue today. Within these blessed gatherings are read verses from the Qur’an, religious songs are sung and texts from the Qur’an are interpreted. There is spoken about some parts of the life of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), there are read and explained his blessed narrations (ahadith), etc.

Unfortunately there are people who do not appreciate these initiatives. But on the other hand let us imagine what a wonderful feeling they cause in the true believers, in our Muslim brothers, who are yearning for a religious enlightenment. There are even villages in the region in the mosques in which there is no imam, but during the religious talks the joy there is so great.

That is why I would like to thank the Regional Mufti of Shumen Mesut Mehmedov and his team of professionals, who make everything possible the believers from the more distant villages in the Deliorman to take advantage of the religious knowledge.

My appeal to all is to appreciate what we have, not to want much, because if we do not appreciate what we have, we may lose it.

Of course, I would not forget to thank also all local Muslims who attend these Deliorman talks.

May Allah be pleased with all of you for honoring these religious talks, as well as for being part of them.

Author: Yonuz E. Yonuz, student in RS “Nyuvvab” – Shumen


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