Goodwill visit to Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv


Yalçın Topçu – Chief Advisor to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a goodwill visit to Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv on April 3, 2018 (Tuesday). During his visit he was accompanied by the Assistant Advisor to the President and by a representative of the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Plovdiv.

The guests were welcomed by the Regional Mufti of Plovdiv Taner Veli and by the mufti’s team. The both sides introduced themselves and the host presented to the guests from Turkey the activities of the mufti’s office in Plovdiv, and also informed them about the current repairing works and projects. After that all together saw the central mosque in Plovdiv – “Hyudavendigyar” mosque, to the building of which the Regional Mufti’s Office is located. Yalçın Topçu and the people accompanying him were informed about the history of the Muslim temple in Plovdiv.

The guests had the opportunity to go to “Shahbedinova Imaret mosque”, where the host Taner Veli told them in details about the history of this temple as well.

The two sides participating in the visit parted with best wishes that such goodwill meetings will continue also in the future.

Author: L. Chauhseva



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