What qualities should a religious official possess?


A lecture on “What qualities should a religious official possess?” took place at the High Islamic Institute (HII) in Sofia on April 2 this year.

Since the beginning of year 2018 once a month are organized lectures delivered by guest-lecturers along with discussions, under the responsibility of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dzhanli. This is one new initiative through which the students have the opportunity to discuss current issues with lecturers, who are not from the Institute.

The topic this month was presented by the Regional Mufti of Sofia Mustafa Izbishtali. He focused in it on the so called “triangle of success”, or the three key factors for the success of the religious official, and namely – sincerity, commitment and competence. Furthermore there were outlined and examined in details two types of qualities, which every religious official must possess – qualities, related to the personality, and such that are related to the activity.

At the end of the event the Regional Mufti of Sofia Mustafa Izbishtali received a plaque of gratitude as a sign of recognition for the successful cooperation between the Mufti’s office in the capital and the HII.


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