SMC extraordinary meeting  


The Supreme Muslim Council held an extraordinary meeting in Sofia on April 3, 2018. The members of the supreme managing body of the Muslim Denomination met to discuss a single topic on the agenda: the statement of Prosecutor Nedyalka Popova with regard to the Muslim population in Bulgaria, in which she says that: “When the Muslims in our country become 30 % our state will be threatened.”

At the extraordinary meeting was also adopted an open letter, addressed to the supreme state’s and European institutions and international organizations.

“The Supreme Muslim Council of the Muslim Denomination in the Republic of Bulgaria strongly condemns the statement of Prosecutor Nedyalka Popova, supervising prosecutor of the case for professing antidemocratic ideology, or theso called case against the 13 imams.” is said in the open letter.

The members of the Supreme Muslim Council consider the statement of Prosecutor Popova as a hatred crime against all Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Muslims, living abroad. They share that all Muslims are concerned about this statement.

According to the participants in the meeting “this is a suggestion of a non-existent threat – that the Muslim community in Bulgaria is a threat to the national security of the country”.

The SMC Chairman said: “For a long time the Supreme Muslims Council has not held an extraordinary meeting. We do condemn this statement of Prosecutor Popova. If the relevant state’s institutions do not undertake any measures with regard to the unacceptable words of the prosecutor, we will proceed to protest actions.”

It was decided within the meeting that the next weeks during the Friday khutbas (sermons) to present the problem to the society.

Author: Yuzlem Tefikova





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